Hey lovelies
Today I thought i'd share with you my three basic Winter essentials that I can't be without during these cold months. Do you have these essentials?

1) Slipper socks. Now you might be thinking, Aimee you can either get slippers or socks, you can't have them both...well now you can! I found these handy necessities last year and wore them constantly through the Winter, so when the weather started to get a little more chilly this year, they were among the first things I dug out from my Winter clothing storage. I even bought my friend some slipper socks for Christmas last year (I got her red and white ones instead of black like mine). I got mine from Primark but I also noticed The Range and Matalan selling them the other day! Their two in one, both slippers and socks. They're so soft and fluffy on the inside and keep your feet lovely and warm, and they even have little suction thingies on the foot so you don't slip and slide. Oddly, I feel like an octopus whilst wearing them on wooden floors, but that's a fun thing! Personally I think they're much comfier than slippers alone, the fact that they're also socks make them a lot more snug to your feet and just overall better to wear!

2) Fluffy socks. The fluffier the better! They're so much more comfier than normal socks and they're somewhat thermal so keep your toes toasty! Perfect for wearing to bed on those cold nights and to wear under your boots whilst paddling through the snow. (If you're lucky enough to get some snow this year that is, it still hasn't happened where I am :( ). Fluffy socks come in all different patterns and colours so have fun, go crazy, mix and match if you like!
3) A onesie! I'm pretty sure everyone has a onesie. Some have a minion onesie, some have a monkey onesie, but me I have a cow onesie! I'm not a crazy fan of cows and I bought this onesie from the internet, I generally thought the picture showed a zebra onesie (Zebra's are my favourite zoo animal, idk why that's a thing!) but it turned out to be a cow, but hey ho, it still does the trick! It keeps me warm and snug and Winter is a must for onesies, it's like onesie season!
What are your Winter essentials? Have a Onesie? What is your onesie?!
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